


Program and Completion Overview




  • 提供为期两年的, 个性化的, job-embedded system of 导师ing, support and professional learning to begin within the first year of teaching with a Preliminary Credential
  • Match a candidate with a 导师 within the first 30-days of enrollment in the program. Candidate-导师 matches are based on credential held, and grade level and/or subject area.  Supplemental support will be provided in a subject area if needed based on the 导师 match. 

  • Develop and support goals within the context of the Individual Learning Plan (ILP):   The Individual Learning Plan (ILP) will address the CSTPs and provide a roadmap for candidates’ Induction work.  候选人, 导师, with input from the site administrator, will collaboratively develop the ILP within the first 60 days of the candidate’s enrollment in the program. 

  • Provide 导师ing support that includes both “just in time” and longer term analysis of teaching practice to help candidates develop enduring professional skills

  • Provide candidate guidance and support of district and site goals and tasks

  • Provide an Early Completion Option (ECO) for experienced and exceptional candidates that meet the program criteria

  • Verify candidate competence based on a review of observed and documented evidence to determine recommendation for the 清晰的 Teaching Credential



A candidate must meet the following requirements and show competence in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) to complete the Induction Program:

  • Participate in monthly program meetings for 导师/coach support and collaboration (MCSC)
  • Communicate/meet with Induction Mentor/Coach monthly for coaching support and collaboration
  • Participate in a Triad Meeting with site administrator and coach